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Group Leader
Prof Munir Iqbal

Prof Munir Iqbal

Professor Munir Iqbal is the Head of the Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease group at The Pirbright Institute and a visiting professor at the Royal Veterinary College, London. Munir obtained Veterinary Medicine and MPhil degrees in Pakistan and a PhD in Biotechnology at Imperial College London in 1991. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liverpool and the University of St Andrews before joining the Institute in 1996. Currently, he is leading several research projects aimed at defining the impact of genetic changes on the ability of avian influenza and Newcastle disease viruses to evade immune responses, cause increased disease severity, and allow cross-species transmission. Along with unravelling the host factors that determine avian-origin influenza virus replication fitness in mammalian species. He is also leading the development of new multivalent vaccines and diagnostics for better control of avian respiratory viruses like avian influenza, Newcastle disease, avian adenovirus, and avian metapneumoviruses.

Recently, his group has developed a novel targeted antigen delivery vaccine platform that selectively delivers vaccine antigens to chicken immune cells, inducing faster, stronger, and more durable immunity. The multivalent vectored vaccines he developed include recombinant NDV, recombinant herpesvirus of turkey (rHVT), and recombinant duck enteritis virus (rDEV), providing robust immunity to chickens against multiple avian viral diseases. The multivalent subunit vaccines produced in insect cells also protect chickens from several poultry viruses. He also developed a passive immunization approach to protect poultry from AIV. His recent studies have identified antigenic epitopes on the hemagglutinin antigens of H5, H9, and H7 AIVs that induce protective immune responses, with implications for vaccine strain selection. His group is developing novel easy-to-use aptamer-based diagnostic tests allowing rapid, sensitive, and reliable differential diagnosis of avian respiratory viruses at the pen-side or point-of-care.

Research Focus

  • Investigating the evolution of avian influenza virus and defining the functional role of virus evolutionary changes on the immune response, virulence, transmission and host-range.
  • Improving vaccines and vaccination strategies for effective control of avian viral diseases in poultry
  • Developing tests for rapid detection and differentiation of avian viral diseases.

Current Projects:

  • BBSRC BB/Y007298/1 (2023-2025): FLU-Trailmap: Transmission and risk of avian influenza: learning more to advance preparedness. Funding value: £3.2 million. TPI value £448,689.

  • MRC MR/Y03368X/1 (2024-2025): TrailMap-One Health. Funding value £3,263,514. TPI value: £745,217.

  • USDA-NIFA-AFRI (July 2023- June 2026): Partnership: Nanoparticle Vaccines Against Emerging Poultry Infections. Funding value $800,000. TPI value $263,572.

  • BBSRC-ISPG (2023-2028): Understanding evolution, pathogenesis, and immunity of avian influenza viruses infecting poultry and causing zoonotic infection in humans. 
  • UKRI  The GCRF One Health Poultry Hub (2019-2024): Funding funding value £18.1 million, Pirbright funding value: £640,473.  
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2020- 2025): The Pirbright Livestock Antibody Hub. Funding value: $5.5 million.

  • MRC Impact Accelerator Accounts Award (2023-2024): Evaluate the potential of AstraZeneca’s sialic acid tag technology for treating influenza viruses with Fc molecules. Funding value £49,302 TPI value £32535.
  • Ovagen (2023-2024): Replication competence of avian and human vaccine viruses in germ-free embryonated eggs. Funding value £125,000.

  • BBSRC-Pirbright Impact Accelerator Accounts Award (2023-2024).  Development and validation of rapid diagnostic tests for H5Nx avian influenza viruses infecting global poultry. Funding value £15,000

  • BBSRC (2022-2024): Protecting poultry from avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and Gumboro disease with a single dose of a multivalent vaccine. Funding value. £ 448,938.
  • Studentship (2020-2024): Defining antigenic structure of avian influenza virus haemagglutinin protein to generate broadly reactive antibodies. Student: Mehnaz Qureshi.
  • Placement Studentship (2023-2024): Production and Characterisation of Nanobodies Recognising Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Viruses Surface Glycoproteins using phage display technology.  Student: Roddy Brookes

Recent Completed Projects:

  • BBSRC (BB/X006166/1, 2022-2023): Understanding animal health threats from emerging H5 high pathogenicity avian influenza viruses. Value (TPI) £332,705.00
  • BBSRC - Oxford University iCASE Studentship (October 2019- September 2023). Production and assessment of antiviral prophylactic properties of natural biomolecules against avian influenza and Newcastle disease viruses affecting poultry production. 
    British Council and the Pirbright Institute (2019-2023): Investigating antigenic determinants inducing stronger and broader cross-protective immunity among H5 avian influenza viruses.  Funding value: £80, 000. Student: Rebecca Daines.

    BBSRC - Oxford University DTP (2019-2023). The Characterisation of Influenza A-specific lymphocyte population in Chicken. Student Ştefan Dascălu.

    ​BBSRC Japan Partnering Award (2017-2023): Understanding diversity of avian influenza viruses and improvement of vaccines and diagnostics. Funding value: £49,500.
  • BBSRC UK-China Newton Fund (2018-2021): Understanding antigenic diversity, zoonotic potential and immunological prevention of avian influenza viruses affecting poultry.  Funding value: £841,995. 
  • BBSRC ZELS-SR (2019-2021): Reducing the Economic and Zoonotic Impact of Avian Influenza (REZIAI): delivering novel vaccines and diagnostics from the laboratory to the field. Funding value: £400,000.

  • BBSRC-Pirbright FTMA (2019-2021): Translation of research impacts through collaboration with the poultry industry. Funding value: £25000.

  • BBSRC - Oxford University iCASE (2017-2021): Enhancing protective efficacy of avian influenza vaccines through targeted delivery of protective antigens to chicken immune cells. Funding value: £98,212. 

  • British Council Newton Fund Studentship (2017-2021): Enhancing resistance in birds against avian influenza. Enhancing resistance in birds against avian influenza. Funding value: £80, 000. 

  • BBSRC ZELS-AS (2016-2020): Cost-effectiveness of interventions for the control of AIV infection in poultry in Pakistan. Funding value: £100,000. 



Member of Institute Risk Committee


Talks presented by Munir Iqbal 


  1. Prevalence and Control of Avian Influenza Viruses in Poultry. Munir Iqbal presented a seminar (as an invited speaker) to poultry stakeholders including farmers and veterinarians at "Morocco Poultry Day" organised by Boehringer-Ingelheim in Tangier, Morocco, on 20th January 2024.


  1. Recombinant vaccines against avian viral diseases affecting poultry. Munir Iqbal presented a seminar as an invited speaker at the Poultry Stakeholder Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 23rd January 2023.
  2. Avian Influenza Research at Pirbright. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker to the Animal Diseases Surveillance and Control Team at The Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), London, UK, 28th February 2023
  3. Selectively targeting antigens to chicken immune cells induces faster and very strong immunity in chicks with high levels of maternally derived antibodies. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at the XXnd World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress – WVPAC 2023, Verona, Italy, 4-8 September 2023.
  4. The impact of avian influenza vaccination on zoonotic infections: lessons learned from the H7N9 avian influenza control. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at the XXnd World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress – WVPAC 2023, Verona, Italy, 4-8 September 2023.
  5. Investigating molecular markers influences the haemagglutination activity of the H9N2 avian influenza viruses. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at the XXnd World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress – WVPAC 2023, Verona, Italy, 4-8 September 2023.
  6. Enhancing the Potency of Poultry Vaccines by Selectively Targeting Antigens to Chicken Antigen-Presenting Cells. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 5th May 2023.
  7. Preventing and controlling avian influenza infections in poultry and humans. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) Greifswald: 1 – 3 March 2023.
  8. Global epidemic trend of avian influenza virus and its harm to public health. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at The 2023 China-ASEAN Seminar on Prevention and Control of Cross-border Animal Diseases, Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 17-19 September 2023.
  9. Understanding Evolution and Impacts of Avian Influenza Viruses. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at the seminar at The Pirbright Institute, on 28th March 2023.
  10. Enhancing the potency of poultry vaccines and overcoming maternally derived antibody interference. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as keynote speaker at the GARAD-2023 conference at Harbour Hotel Guildford, UK, 22nd - 24th May 2023.
  11. One Health: Zoonosis and Their Control Through the Use of Vaccines. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the conference entitled “National Dialogue on Agricultural Research” at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan, 2nd-4th May 2023.
  12. Five decades of innovation in Biotech. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the Professor Tony Cass retirement event at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London, on 15th September 2023.
  13. Emerging Threats: The Evolution and Persistence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Poultry. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an Invited speaker at the 2023 International Symposium on Important Animal Diseases and Zoonoses of Yangzhou University on 31st October 2023.
  14. Enhancing the potency of poultry vaccines by targeted delivery of antigens to chicken antigen-presenting cells. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the 12th Asian Pacific Poultry Conference (APPC2023) at Nanjing, China, 1st-3rd November 2023.
  15. Improving Vaccines against Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Viruses. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the Sino-European Modern Livestock and Poultry Industry Technical Innovation seminar and the launch of the Joint Laboratory of China and European Countries. Shandong Binzhou Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine Academy, Binzhou, China.
  16. Avian Influenza Vaccines Research at Pirbright. Munir Iqbal delivered a presentation to key research grant funders and stakeholders in the UK, including BBSRC and DEFRA, associated with animal welfare and disease control, 1st August 2023.
  17. Developing novel multivalent vaccines for poultry viral diseases. Munir Iqbal presented a talk at the Oxford University training Course on Human & Veterinary Vaccinology, 25th October 2023.
  18. Avian Influenza: Global Situation & Control Strategies. Munir Iqbal presented a talk as an invited speaker at the International Symposium on Poultry Health Challenges in Pakistan. Organized by the World Veterinary Poultry Association (WVPA-Pakistan Branch). December 28, 2023, at Serena Hotel Faisalabad, Pakistan.


  1. Understanding the Pathogenesis, Antigenicity and Zoonotic Potential of H5N1 HPAI Infecting Poultry in the UK.  Avian Influenza Response – Rapid Technical Risk Assessment. 11 November 2021. Nobel House, UK Health Security Agency. London.

  2. H5Nx High pathogenicity avian Influenza viruses. MEVAC International poultry Scientific Symposium, 2nd to 5th November 2022, Tolip Resort El Galala Hills, Ain Al Sukhna, Egypt. 

  3. Developing vaccines for emerging and transboundary diseases of livestock. 23rd Annual World Vaccine Congress. 11-14 October 2022, de Congressos de Barcelona, Spain.

  4. Understanding immunological dynamics following infection and vaccination of avian influenza. Oxford DTP students. 28th September 2022 at the Pirbright Institute.

  5. Targeted Antigen Delivery Vaccines: Next Generation Vaccines for Poultry. Presented to UKRI-BBSRC Chief Executive. 26th September 2022.

  6. Developing novel multivalent vaccines for poultry viral diseases. Pirbright- Jenner, Oxford University Human and Veterinary Vaccinology Course 2022. 21st September 2022.

  7. Targeted antigen delivery vaccines, a new approach for potent immunity in chickens. Poultry Disease Group meeting #82, 18th July 2022.

  8. Improving vaccines and vaccination strategies for effective control of avian viral diseases. The Pirbright Institute’s Knowledge exchange seminar at The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), Pakistan on 6th April 2022

  9. Improving Poultry Vaccines.  Virtual meeting organised by the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. 13th January 2022.
  10. Improvement in the Production Systems and Potency of Poultry Vaccines. Poultry vaccines meeting with the field veterinary staff.  Virtual meeting organised by Hi-Tech Poultry Breeders (Pvt) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan. 17th January 2022
  11. Poultry Vaccines Production Approaches: Recombinant-HVT and subunit Vaccines.  Poultry stakeholders meeting with the field veterinarian. Cairo, Egypt 12th February 2022


  1. Avian influenza vaccines: 13th iHEN webinar of the One Health Poultry Hub. organised by ‘One Health Poultry Hub’ Webinar delivered on February 10, 2021.
  2. Selectively Targeting Hemagglutinin Antigen to Chicken Antigen Presenting Cells Induces Faster and Stronger Immunity against Avian Influenza. Virtual Symposium on Vaccines for Poultry Organized by International Veterinary Vaccinology Network (IVVN) 25 February 2021.
  3. Avian influenza viruses in Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka: investigating genotype to phenotype (antigenicity, virulence, host-range). Webinar organised by ‘One Health Poultry Hub’ on 28th March 2021.
  4. The rise and fall of antigenic mutations:  A path to the persistence of avian influenza viruses. The Pirbright Institute Research Update Seminar Series. 27th April 2021.
  5. Avian Influenza H9N2 and H7N9 evolution, fitness in poultry and zoonotic potential. UC Davis Education Conference on One Health for Food Safety, Agriculture, and Animal Health. The virtual conference was hosted by the University of California, Davis, western institute for food safety & security; co-hosted by: China Agricultural University, College of Veterinary Medicine. July 26 - August 6, 2021.
  6. Next-generation poultry vaccines. The Pirbright Institute Trustee Board and Science Advisory Board meeting on 20th July 2021.


  1. High pathogenicity avian Influenza (HPAI) H5 in Europe –Epidemiology and Surveillance. Presented via Webinar, organized by Boehringer Ingelheim, 3rd July 2020.
  2. Sustainable poultry (meat and eggs) production in Pakistan: Challenges and Opportunities. Presented at UKRI-GCRF “Food Security, Agriculture, and Nutrition” workshop, Marriott Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan. 9th- 10th March 2020.
  3. Understanding avian influenza virus evolution and development of next-generation vaccines. Presented at  459th Scientific Meeting of The Veterinary Research Club at The Farmers Club, 3 Whitehall Court London, 14th February 2020.
  4. Recombinant single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibody protects chickens from avian influenza. Presented at Systems Immunology Workshop: Adaptive immune repertoires and beyond. University of Surrey, UK. 16th-17th January 2020.
  5. Understanding antigenic diversity, zoonotic potential and immunological prevention of avian influenza viruses affecting poultry. Presented at UK-China-Philippines-Thailand Swine and Poultry Research Initiative: Interim Project Workshop  Hilton Hotel, Bracknell, UK. 13th-15th January 2020


  1. Identification of antigenic epitopes to broaden and enhance the efficacy of avian influenza vaccines. Presented at 6th Animal Vaccines and immune Adjuvant Technologies Salon & Advanced seminar, Shandong-Binzhou Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Academy, China, 18-20 October 2019.
  2. Protecting poultry from avian influenza through passive immunisation. Presented at Foreign Experts Seminar “New strategies and new tools for the prevention and control of major poultry diseases. Shandong-Binzhou Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Academy, China, 20-22 September 2019.
  3. Improving vaccines and diagnostics for Avian influenza viruses affecting poultry. Presented at the International Poultry Expo “Poultry Science Conference”, Lahore, Pakistan, 13-15 September 2019.
  4. Understanding avian influenza virus evolution, antigenic diversity and vaccine failure.  Presented at the 2019 Symposium on techniques for healthy breading and disease prevention & control of livestock and poultry, Golden Harbor Hotel, Beijing, 21-23 August 2019.
  5. Determinants of antigenicity of H9 Avian Influenza Viruses. UK-China Swine and Poultry Workshop.17-18 June 2019, The Pirbright Institute, UK.
  6. Molecular determinants modulating avian influenza H7N9 virus antigenicity. Presented at The Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2019, 8-11 April ICC Belfast, UK.
  7. The global Situation and pathobiology of Avian Influenza in different Avian Species. Presented at the 11th Scientific conference of Egyptian Veterinary Poultry Association, Conference “Towards a National strategy to control poultry industry problems in Egypt”.  20-23 April 2019..
  8. The co-Circulation of Low and High-path-AIV in the same country with sub-optimal bio-security: Virus evolution and impact on vaccine efficacy. Presented at the 11th Scientific conference of Egyptian Veterinary Poultry Association, Conference “Towards a National strategy to control poultry industry problems in Egypt”.  20-23 April 2019.
  9. Molecular determinants of antigenicity of H7 and H9 avian Influenza viruses. Presented as invited speaker at BBSRC UK-India Partnering Award seminar: University of Liverpool. 2 May 2019.
  10. Molecular Determinants for Antigenicity and Vaccine Efficacy of H9 and H7 Avian Influenza Viruses. Newton Agham Researcher Links Workshop: Novel vaccines and diagnostics technologies against Emerging and re-emerging veterinary Pathogens. 4-7 February 2019 at Rizal Pak Hotel, Manila, Philippines.


  1. Molecular determinants for antigenicity and vaccine efficacy of H9N2 avian influenza viruses. Presented at “Poultry Industry” 2nd -3rd December 2018, organised by Fakieh Poultry at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  2. Improving vaccines against viral diseases of poultry. Presented as invited speaker at 2nd International Congress of Veterinary Microbiology, 16th -19th October 2018. Sherwood Breezes Resort-Lara, Antalya, Turkey.
  3. Understanding Antigenic Diversity, Zoonotic potential and immunological prevention of avian influenza viruses affecting poultry. Presented at “UK-China Philippines-Thailand Swine and Poultry Research Initiative project kick-off workshop” at China Agriculture University, Beijing, 26th – 28th September 2018.
  4. Overview of Avian Influenza group Research at The Pirbright Institute. Presented at “Interactive session with poultry stakeholders” at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore, Pakistan, 3rd August 2018.
  5. Immuno-pathobiology of H9N2 avian influenza viruses: looking at how the viruses evolve and persist in poultry. Presented at “Techniques for Healthy Farming and Diseases Prevention & Control of Livestock and Poultry. Beijing, August 13th-15th, 2018.
  6. H9N2 avian influenza viruses: impact of evolutionary changes on virus antigenicity, receptor binding and zoonotic potential. Presented at “Conference on Animal Infectious Diseases and Human Health” held at The Veterinary Biotechnology Branch of Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine & the Veterinary Immunology Branch of Chinese Society for Immunology. August 7th-10th, 2018 Harbin, China.
  7. Mapping antigenic determinants of H9N2 avian influenza viruses and improving vaccines and diagnostics” presented at Foreign Talent Lecture: New strategies and new techniques for the prevention and control of major avian diseases. Shandong Binzhou Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine Academy, Binzhou, China. 6th August 2018.
  8. Evolution of H9N2 avian influenza virus under immune pressure. Presented at 10th International Symposium on Avian Influenza, 15th – 18th April 2018, The Grand Hotel, Brighton, UK.
  9. Improvement of vaccines and diagnostics against avian diseases. Presented on 15th March 2018at Jordan Bio-Industries Center (JOVAC), Amman, Jorden.
  10. H9N2 avian influenza viruses: impact of immune pressure on virus antigenicity, receptor binding and zoonotic potential. Presented at Global Alliance for research on Avian Diseases (GARAD-2018) held in Hanoi, 17th-19th, January, Hanoi, Vietnam.
  11. Progress and outcomes of ZELS research project entitled Combating avian influenza through systematic analysis of antigenic drift, genetic variation, and development of novel diagnostic tools and vaccines. Presented at ZELS Grant Holders Workshop, 23rd-24th, January, Hanoi, Vietnam.


  • Appointment as visiting professor at Royal Veterinary College London.
  • Appointment as adjunct professor of microbiology at University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS) Lahore, Pakistan.


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