The Pirbright Institute provides a disinfectant testing service.


Statutory disinfectant

Veterinary disinfectants play an essential part in the prevention and control of endemic epizootic animal diseases. 

In the UK, and its devolved administrations, only disinfectants approved by Defra can be used where required in the Animal Health Act 1981 and in orders issued under the act. The Approval Process is regulated through The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) (England) Order 2011 (S.I. 2011/1509) and parallel statutory instruments in the devolved administrations.

Pirbright offers ISO/IEC 17025 accredited disinfectant efficacy testing for Defra approval against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV). 

The standard Defra test is a disinfectant suspension test where dilutions of the disinfectant specified by the manufacturer are made in WHO hard water, with protein soiling for FMDV tests. FMDV or SVDV is added to these dilutions, and the test mixture is held at 4°C for 30 minutes. Residual virus infectivity is detected and quantified by inoculating serial dilutions of the test mixtures onto cell cultures.

Disinfectants under test will be deemed efficacious at the tested dilution if it reduces virus titre by at least 10⁴ pfu/ml (4 logs) in the test.

Manufacturers of disinfectants seeking official Defra approval for their product under The Diseases of Animals (Approved Disinfectants) (England) Order 2011 should submit their products to Defra Disinfectants Approvals who will forward the product for testing against FMDV and SVDV to The Pirbright Institute.


Independent commercial disinfectant testing

We also offer an independent disinfectant testing service to UK and international clients developing disinfectants against FMDV, SVDV, and African swine fever virus (ASFV). 

This follows the same test method as statutory tests, but parameters can be adapted if requested. A range finder assay is also offered, where up to five different dilutions of the disinfectant under test can be evaluated to determine the optimal effective dilution.

Changes to test parameters cause results to be outside the scope of ISO/IEC 17025. All ASFV tests are currently non-accredited. Results for non-accredited tests will be reported with the observed log reduction but no pass or fail result. Disinfectant testing is normally completed within a three-month period.

Requests for independent disinfectant testing services (non-statutory) should be made to our Disinfectant Testing Laboratory accompanied by the submission form.


Sample submission

To request disinfectant testing, complete a submission form an email it to

Download disinfectant testing submission form (word doc)

The amount of sample we require for a disinfectant is normally between 100 to 200 grams or millilitres (please do not send large quantities of sample).

Dispatch of the sample is the responsibility of the customer and should be sent in accordance with local and international transport regulations. This will vary according to the nature of the product.

Disinfectant testing pricing


Hard copies of disinfectant reports will be sent by courier, this service will cost £35.00 per disinfectant submission. Test results will not be released until full payment has been received.

The current fee for each test submission:

  • Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV): £3,950.00 (plus VAT where applicable)
  • African swine fever virus (ASFV): £3,000.00 (plus VAT where applicable)

This fee is applicable to standard test conditions (4°C for 30 minutes, with 1% foetal bovine serum (FBS) soiling for FMDV tests) and provides a result using five replicates at one dilution.

Up to five dilutions can be requested where a single replicate will be tested for each dilution. These will be tested using standard conditions (4°C for 30 minutes, with 1% FBS soiling for FMDV tests).

The fee for our range finder test is:

  • Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV): £3,950.00 plus £120.00 for each additional dilution requested (plus VAT where applicable).
  • African swine fever virus (ASFV): £3,000.00 plus £100.00 for each additional dilution requested (plus VAT where applicable).

We also offer custom tests where different parameters to the standard conditions can be requested. These include changes to temperature, contact time and soiling percentage.

The number of conditions is limited to five per test. Each additional condition is charged at £120.00 (FMDV/SVDV) or £100.00 (ASFV).

Please note for FMDV and SVDV only that in order to comply with our ISO/IEC17025 quality standards the standard conditions must also be tested alongside any requested parameter changes.


Test sample A at 21°C, 30 minutes, 1% soiling for FMDV, 1 part disinfectant to 100 parts water and 1 part disinfectant to 150 parts water.

Test parameters

  1. Sample A at 21°C, 30 minutes, 1% soiling FMDV, 1 part disinfectant to 100 parts water
  2. Sample A at standard conditions 4°C, 30 minutes, 1% soiling FMDV, 1 part disinfectant to 100 parts water
  3. Sample A at 21°C, 30 minutes, 1% soiling FMDV, 1 part disinfectant to 150 parts water
  4. Sample A at standard conditions 4°C, 30 minutes, 1% soiling FMDV, 1 part disinfectant to 150 parts water

This customer would be charged £3,950.00 plus £360.00 (plus VAT where applicable).

Disinfectant testing guidelines


Material Safety Data Sheet

A safety data sheet must be sent either by email or with the product.


Neutralisation control

In 2015 a new version of EN 14675 ‘Chemical Disinfectants and Antiseptics – Quantitative Suspension Test for the Evaluation of Virucidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants and Antiseptics used in the Veterinary Area’ was released. 

In response to changes within this standard, the disinfectant testing laboratory has introduced a neutralisation control to all tests in order to prove that disinfectants are effective within the specified contact times. A neutraliser will be used to halt the virucidal activity of the disinfectant upon completion of the contact time.

  • For hydrogen peroxide and peroxymonosulphate based disinfectants the neutraliser will be carbonate/bicarbonate buffer + 1% FBS
  • For all other disinfectants the neutraliser will be phosphate buffered saline (PBS) +1% FBS

The test fees are determined based on testing of the disinfectant in one neutralising buffer. The above neutralisers have been chosen due to their effectiveness at halting the virucidal activities the majority of disinfectants within the specified categories without compromising the titre of the test virus.

If you are aware that your disinfectant will not be neutralised by either carbonate/bicarbonate buffer or PBS (+1% FBS) please contact us to arrange a suitable alternative. Please be aware that additional acceptance testing will have to be arranged to approve any alternative neutralisers and this will be charged in addition to the overall test. Failure to find a suitable neutraliser will lead to an incomplete result as we will be unable to determine a contact time for your disinfectant.


Turnaround Time for Testing

The current turnaround time is approximately three months. This time frame is from receipt of all paperwork, payment and samples.


Quality assurance

The Disinfectant Testing Laboratory is a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 4025.

UKAS Testing accreditation logo - number 4025