The flow cytometry facility provides researchers with advanced instrumentation and cell sorting services in low- and high-containment environments.
We offer a number of services including flow cytometry theory, instrument training, access to user operated analysers, cell sorting service and assisted cell sorting, software training, and consultation in experiment planning and panel design and data analysis.
We specialise in sample preparation, acquisition, cell sorting and analysis of biological samples from livestock.
Specialist equipment
Jenner Facility
- 5-laser Cytek Aurora+ APD+ ASL (UV/V/B/YG/R)
- 5-laser Thermo Bigfoot (UV/V/B/YG/R)
- 4-laser BD LSR Fortessa + HTS (V/R/YG/B)
- 4-laser BD FACSAria Fusion (V/R/YG/B)
- 3-laser Miltenyi MACSQuant 10 (V/R/B)
- 3-laser Miltenyi MACSQuant 16 (V/R/B)
Plowright Facility
- 5-laser Cytek Aurora+ APD+ ASL (UV/V/B/YG/R)
- 4-laser BD LSR Fortessa + HTS (V/R/YG/B)
- 4-laser BD FACSAria Fusion (V/R/YG/B)
- 3-laser Miltenyi MACSQuant 10 (V/R/B)
- 3-laser Miltenyi MACSQuant 16 (V/R/B)
- FCS Express 7
- MACSQuantify
- Spectroflo
Services offered
- Theory training
- Instrument training
- Software training
- Cell sorting
- Help with experiment planning, optimisation and data analysis
Dr Katy Moffat, Head of Flow Cytometry
Aidee Sanchez, Flow Cytometry Technician
Sunil Timilsena, Flow Cytometry Technician
Please contact for further information about the facility.