The flow cytometry facility provides researchers with state-of-the-art instrumentation and cell sorting services in low- and high-containment environments.

We specialise in sample preparation, acquisition, sorting and analysis of biological samples from livestock.

Our five self-use flow analysers cater for a variety of needs, from single colour to 17 colour analysis.

For cell sorting, we have the BD FACSAria U3 in the low-containment building and the BD FACSAria Fusion in the high-containment building.

Both sorters can isolate cells based on up to 17 fluorescent parameters and light scattering properties. We can sort up to four populations simultaneously into tubes, onto plates or slides. We also have two Miltenyi AutoMACS magnetic sorters.

We provide one-to-one training, refresher courses, and support throughout your experiments, including cell sorting services and data analysis assistance.

Specialist equipment

Jenner Facility


  • BD FACSAria U3 405, 488, 561 and 640nm lasers and 18 detectors.
  • BD LSR Fortessa. 405, 488, 561 and 640nm lasers and 18 detectors.
  • MACSQuant 10 405, 488 and 633nm lasers and 10 detectors.
  • BD Accuri C6 488 and 633 lasers and 6 detectors.
  • Miltenyi AutoMACS Pro. High speed magnetic sorting.

Plowright Facility


  • BD FACSAria Fusion 405, 488, 561 and 640nm lasers and 19 detectors. Situated in a MBSCII. Work up to and including CL2/SAPO4 subject to risk assessment.
  • BD LSR Fortessa. 405, 488, 561 and 640nm lasers and 19 detectors.
  • MACSQuant 10 405, 488 and 633nm lasers and 10 detectors. In both Jenner and Plowright buildings.
  • AutoMACS. For high speed magnetic cell sorting situated in the CL3 suite in the Plowright building.


  • FACSDIVA8: operates the BD Fortessas and able to analyse samples.
  • FLOWJO 10 for data analysis. 
  • FCS Express 6 for data analysis. 
  • MACSQuantify operates the MACSQuant and stand-alone copy in Jenner building flow room.
  • BD Accuri C6 software operates the Accuri analyser
  • Imaris image analysis software
  • Huygens software (deconvolution, visualisation and analysis)
  • IMOD
  • SeriaEM

Services offered

We offer one-to-one training sessions and refresher courses on all our flow analysers and are available to help you throughout your experiments from planning to data analysis.  

We also provide a cell sorting service.


Dr Katy Moffat, Postdoctoral Scientist, Flow cytometry & cell sorting.


Please contact Dr Katy Moffat for further information about the facility.