The BBSRC National Vaccinology Centre: The Jenner Building is The Pirbright Institute’s low-containment facility.

This facility accommodates in vitro research and supports in vivo research activities, primarily performed by avian viral researchers. The Jenner Building handles research that does not require the high containment levels of the Plowright Building, focusing on endemic poultry and livestock viruses, as well as immunology, genetics, and genomics.

This facility houses a wide range of groups working on strategically important viral pathogens that can be handled under low containment including Marek’s disease virus (MDV), infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), and low pathogenicity animal influenza viruses.

Building design

NBBJ Architects designed the building with a rational and linear layout. Open laboratories on the north side of the building benefit from daylight and showcase science to the site. Specialist laboratories, along with engineering and utility spaces are centrally positioned. Offices and collaboration spaces are located to the south, for natural ventilation and scenic views. The design supports both quiet, focussed work by individuals and collaborative group activities.

The BBSRC National Vaccinology Centre: The Jenner Building was officially opened by HRH The Princess Royal on 24 March 2017.