Profile picture for user Marie di Placido
Group Leader
Dr Marie Di Placido

Dr Marie Di Placido

After a Master degree in Agronomy with an internship on Camel antibodies at the Pasteur Institute of Paris in 2002, Marie did a PhD in molecular immunology in Marseille (France), to build dynamical models of V(D)J recombination and allelic exclusion. She then did a multidisciplinary post-doctorate in Lisbon-Oeiras (Portugal) on illegitimate DNA rearrangements in T-lymphocytes to determine the Recombination Activating Genes off-targets DNA sequence and epigenetic features. She joined the Immunogenetics Group as Project Coordinator in 2019 to work on FMDV specific antibody discovery, as part as a Bill and Melinda Gates Fundation project. She is now Interim Group Leader. Her interests lay in antigen-specific antibody discovery in livestock and cattle antibody repertoire diversification.



Bioinformatics, Sequencing, and Proteomics Steering Committee

Flowcytometry Steering Committee

Immunological Toolbox Steering Committee


September 2022: BSI (British Society of Immunology) workshop on Single cell sequencing and Immune response, online.

August 2021: EVIW (European Veterinary Immunology Workshop) meeting, online.

August 2019: IVIS (International Veterinary Immunology Symposium) meeting, Seattle, USA.

2010-2014: SPI (Portuguese Society of Immunology) annual meetings, Portugal. (Posters/Seminar)

Nov 2012: NEFAAC (University of Pharmacy of Coimbra) annual meeting, Coimbra, Portugal. (Seminar)

Jun 2010: IGC-IMM (Instituto de Medecina Molecular) joint meeting, Lisbon, Portugal. (Seminar)

Aug 2009: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal. (Seminar)

May 2009: 96th meeting of the American Association of Immunologists. Seattle, USA. (Informal oral session)

Apr 2007: 2d ENII-MUGEN Immunology Summer School. Capo Caccia, Italy. (Poster)

Feb 2007: Symposium of the Doctoral department of Marseille University. Marseille, France. (Poster)

Sep 2006: 1st joint meeting of European National Societies of Immunology. Paris, France. (Poster)


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