Swine vesicular disease virus (SVDV) infects only swine. 

SVDV can infect swine through direct contact i.e. lesions in skin and mucosa, ingestion and inhalation. A major source of infection is the spread of contaminated faeces, often facilitated by vehicles. Contaminated feed can also be a source.

Outbreaks of swine vesicular disease (SVD) are regularly reported in southern Italy and occasionally in other European countries. The virus has also been detected in various parts of eastern Asia, where it is believed to remain endemic.

Swine vesicular disease is a notifiable disease and should be reported.

Please see the Defra website for advice on how to spot and report the disease.

Clinical signs

Swine vesicular disease can present as a subclinical, mild or severe vesicular condition. It is clinically indistinguishable from foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and therefore laboratory testing is needed to confirm which virus is present. 

The disease usually affects younger animals more severely, and although morbidity may reach 100%, no deaths are usually associated with the disease.

  • Sudden appearance of lameness
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vesicles develop on feet, snout, lips, tongue, teats

Pirbright's research on swine vesicular disease virus

Due to the similarity of clinical signs between FMD and SVD, the Institute provides dianostic services to the European Union in order to distinguish between the two.