Profile picture for user Kerry Newbrook
Postdoctoral Scientist
Dr Kerry Newbrook
Diagnostics, High containment work (ACDP 3 and 4), Immunology, Molecular Virology, Virology

Dr Kerry Newbrook

Kerry’s research interests are in the field of Orbivirus immunology, but more broadly in microbial pathogenesis and elucidating host-pathogen interactions of veterinary infectious diseases of livestock.

Kerry obtained a BSc (Hons) in Bioveterinary Science and MRes in Clinical Sciences (Microbial Pathogenesis) at the University of Liverpool. Whilst completing her PhD at the Institute of Infection and Global Health (University of Liverpool) with Dr Nicholas Evans and Professor Stuart Carter, Kerry investigated host-bacterial interactions of bovine digital dermatitis using transcriptomics. During this time, Kerry completed an internship within the Veterinary Medicine Research and Development Division of global animal health company, Zoetis, in Michigan (USA), working with Dr Duncan Mwangi in the Adjuvant and Immunomodulatory Group.

Kerry has been working as a postdoctoral scientist at The Pirbright Institute since 2017, initially working in the Orbivirus Research group and currently within the Non Vesicular Reference Laboratory. Her work initially focused on elucidating the role of specific T lymphocyte populations in disease manifestation, viral clearance, anti-viral immune responses and onwards vector transmission during bluetongue virus (BTV) infection in sheep in vivo. More recently, Kerry has been developing novel serological assays to investigate the ruminant immune response to BTV infection and vaccination. Upcoming work also includes a greater focus on the B cell response to BTV.

Kerry has line managed several undergraduate placement students, an MRes student, research assistant and was an academic tutor for Realising Opportunities UK in 2015. She’s regularly involved in public engagement activities including The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition 2022.



  • SAPO4 Users group (The Pirbright Institute)
  • ED&I working group (The Pirbright Institute)


  • “Novel diagnostic and statistical tool combinations accurately predict time since bluetongue virus infection in ruminants for assessing transmission risk”. Oral Presentation. 15th AM EPIZONE, Novisad, Serbia (2023).

  • “T lymphocytes contribute to protective immunity and pathogenesis in bluetongue virus-infected sheep but not viral replication or transmission”. Oral Presentation. 15th AM EPIZONE; Novisad, Serbia (2023).

  • “Novel antibody signatures in bluetongue virus-infected ruminants improve predictions of infectious timelines”. Poster presentation. 14th AM EPIZONE; Barcelona, Spain (2022).

  • “Virus damage or host response? Elucidating mechanisms of pathogenesis in bluetongue virus-infected sheep”. Poster presentation. Microbiology Society Annual Conference; Online (2021).

  • “Virus damage or host response?”. Oral presentation (internal seminar). The Pirbright Institute, UK (2020).

  • “Investigating the relationship dynamics between serological responses and bluetongue virus replication in cattle and sheep”. Poster presentation. 13th AM EPIZONE; Berlin, Germany (2019).

  • “Elucidating the role of T lymphocytes in pathogenesis during bluetongue virus infection in sheep”. Oral presentation. 12th AM EPIZONE; Vienna, Austria (2018).


Journal of General Virology - Most Promising Science poster prize (Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2021).


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