Profile picture for user Lynnette Goatley
Postdoctoral Scientist
Lynnette Goatley
Molecular Virology, Vaccines

Lynnette Goatley

Lynnette Goatley recently joined the African swine fever vaccinology group after working in the African swine fever group for 22 years. Her work has included analysis of individual proteins including CD2v which is responsible for the haemabsorption of red blood cells to infected macrophages and j4R which binds to the alpha chain of nascent polypeptide-associated complex. She has also been involved in virus transmission experiments, the results of which have been used to make models to predict the spread of African swine fever virus (ASFV) in the environment. More recent work has involved designing, constructing and producing deletion mutant viruses to use as potential vaccines against isolates currently affecting African countries and the isolate affecting Russia, China and many European countries at present.

Prior to working on ASFV she worked in the Morbilli virus group at the Institute and was involved in the global eradication of Rinderpest and the identification and sequencing of 2 new viruses (dolphin and porpoise morbilliviruses).

Her current project is to identify antigens that are recognised by lymphocytes (immune cells) from pigs protected by an attenuated strain of ASFV in order to design subunit vaccines to protect pigs from the Georgia isolate currently spreading through Europe.


