It was a tough job, but someone had to do it and the Fox Corner Community Wildlife Association (FCCWA) were very grateful to the Institute staff who volunteered recently to clear the invasive plant threatening this greatly valued community wetland area.

In yet another fantastic local outreach event, Institute colleagues: Ellen Christmas, Debra Hudson, Julie Maryan, Iain Polley, Radhika Patel and Tony Smith, joined members of the Association to clear the Himalayan Balsam weed that can quickly take over and spoil much loved local wetlands.

Catherine Cobley, Chairman of the FCCWA said:  “Could I please send our very grateful thanks from the Fox Corner Community Wildlife Area for all the hard work done. So many jobs on a wildlife area like ours are plain grind and clearing Himalayan Balsam definitely falls into that category!  But this is a highly efficient invasive plant…and we need your help to tackle it ruthlessly!”.

Tony Smith, who organised the outreach activity for the Institute, said: “It’s not glamorous or exciting but it’s certainly rewarding and a very valuable input into the ongoing maintenance of the conservation area, which is hugely appreciated by the Association and local residents.
“I’m very grateful to all those who gave up their time at this event, and would encourage any colleagues with an interest in wildlife and environmental initiatives to get in touch as we’re always looking for extra volunteers and new ideas!”